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Should I migrate from AngularJS to Angular?

Angular is the frontend framework that makes web application development more efficient. As one of the popular frameworks today, Angular was introduced in 2016 and has gained immense popularity since then. Its features make the code structure more efficient and dynamic for frontend applications. But many are migrating from Angularjs to Angular. So what causes this move from Angularjs to Angular? 

There's been a lot of discussion in the tech community recently about when to transition an AngularJS application to Angular. Before we delve into that topic, let's first review why this is an important question. In a nutshell, all support for AngularJS stopped Dec 21, 2021 — which means that after that date, there aren't any fixes for vulnerabilities or compatibility issues in the framework.

But moving from Angularjs to Angular doesn't happen overnight. You need an Angularjs to Angular migration plan in order to do things right. Let's dig in.

Why migrate from Angularjs to Angular?

Before you know how to migrate from Angularjs to Angular, you might probably learn the business aspects of this move. After all, if a company has no benefit in a migration, why bother destroying something that works, right?

Mobile-first approach

Angular is a lightweight frontend framework that can help developers build faster and more efficient apps. Among its many features is lazy-loading, which allows modules to be loaded on demand rather than on initial page load. This reduces the application's overall file size, resulting in faster downloads and a smoother user experience.

Easy to maintain

Angular's architecture is based on modules, which allow you to build applications in a modular way. Modules are responsible for one feature, and are thus self-sufficient and reusable. This means that if one of your features needs to be updated by a different person, or perhaps by someone new, it's easy for them to update the module and keep everything else in sync.

Expenses are optimized

Angular helps developers write better and faster by providing several built-in tools: no more WebStorm or Brackets dependency. Because of the included CLI, they can cut down on development time, meaning less cost and more savings at the end of the day. 

Execution speed

From its initial release, AngularJS had a method of code organization that allowed new users to quickly get started. However, as the application grew in size, the efficiency of development slowed due to the constant initialization and binding of objects — leaving your application sluggish. With Angular's advanced data binding and two-way data binding, we are able to create an efficient framework that delivers high performance across all platforms.

Frequent updates

The Angular Team uses the time-based release schedule to make sure the next version of the framework will remain stable and bug-free. This gives you a more predictable framework with regard to changes in future versions. It also helps you plan your projects better since you know that your team will have enough time to make all necessary upgrades before new Angular versions start hitting the streets.


AngularJS was a flexible and powerful framework for building web applications that could be easily extended. But it was laggy when adding large data chunks. Angular enables the component-based approach. It is an efficient framework that makes it possible to build large applications in an organized way. Angular imposes a structured, component-based system that divides applications into well-defined compartments. The information flows smoothly between these components and is structured very precisely. Consequently, this allows you to create and maintain large applications more efficiently.

AngularJS to Angular - the only way to go

Migrating from an AngularJS to an Angular app is a big step. To be honest, it's not the kind of thing that should be undertaken lightly — but if you have been looking to migrate your app, now is definitely the time. Migrating from an AngularJS to an Angular app can be a daunting prospect, and it will likely take some work. 


AngularJS to Angular is a complex migration, but it is an option that is worth making. There are many financial benefits from this move, but, in the end, it's your call to make and no one else's.

Shrey Kapoor is a Tech-Enthusiast, Harvard certified Cyber Security and Cyber Forensics Expert. He Founder, which is one of the India's Top Tech News Website. Even Forbes and many other renowned publishers took his articles reference. Shrey is a Technology analyst, strategic thinker and creative writer who is passionate to deliver the best, latest possible Tech-News to his followers and subscribers. He completed his masters in Artificial Intelligence & Robotics, certified in IPR, T.Q.M. & ISO 9001:2008 In Quality Management Systems.

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