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OnePlus Price Transparency - How OnePlus is a Smart Buy

People usually remember traumatic events very clearly. I remember vividly the first time I saw the component prices that went into making a smartphone. I remember the shock. “How could a $650 phone be this cheap to make?” I remember asking myself. My second reaction: “these guys must be making a lot of money”. Actually, they’re not. In order to put their products in every store walk into and plaster their ads on every street corner, TV station, and webpage, traditional brands need to spend a lot of money. Correction: YOU need to spend a lot of money because in the end, these costs are passed down to the you, the consumer.

That’s the reason we created OnePlus. We saw that other brands were actually cutting corners to make an inferior product. Then they spent billions of dollars putting them in front of people to a point where you cannot avoid it. We thought there was a better way of doing things.

With the advent of the internet and social media, big brands can no longer hide shoddy products behind their marketing campaigns. A great product will sell itself. After 2 years, OnePlus has proven that if we just make a great product, sell it directly to the consumer without mark ups, we would be providing so much value to the consumer that they will definitely tell their friends, coworkers and family. And it worked.

So with this below graphic, we wanted to illustrate clearly to you exact how we bring value to consumers by selling premium products through an efficient business model.

Never Settle, until you have the best of OnePlus !


Shrey Kapoor is a Tech-Enthusiast, Harvard certified Cyber Security and Cyber Forensics Expert. He Founder, which is one of the India's Top Tech News Website. Even Forbes and many other renowned publishers took his articles reference. Shrey is a Technology analyst, strategic thinker and creative writer who is passionate to deliver the best, latest possible Tech-News to his followers and subscribers. He completed his masters in Artificial Intelligence & Robotics, certified in IPR, T.Q.M. & ISO 9001:2008 In Quality Management Systems.

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